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"Let Kids Swear" (Guest Post by Heather Shumaker, author of "It's OK NOT to Share")

rule25_revise_final SwearingI write a lot about Power.  Young kids love feeling powerful.  You see them engage in powerful actions like throwing stones in water, hauling heavy logs, being up high, swinging high, climbing, running and wearing superhero capes.

But words offer tremendous power, too.  Particularly those words.  You know the ones: potty talk, stupid head and general swear words.

Words we don’t want to hear – and often try to ban – are experiments in power.  (more…)

New Adventures: Just Keep Saying YES!


I made these with my five-year-old for her kindergarten class on the last day before winter break. The flags represent the different countries we will visit on our voyage.

A friend asked recently about my career: “Where do you think you will end up in the field of early childhood?”

My response was something like, I just keep saying yes.  Opportunities come up that align with my passions, and I say yes.  I have lots of ideas about where I will be in the decades to come, but I never thought I would be at the place I am now, so it really is difficult to pinpoint exactly what is next for me.

Well, a few months ago, an opportunity came up, and our family said yes.  And now, a new adventure is about to begin. (more…)